Serpent RC Car
Brings You Innovative and Cutting Edge Technology

Serpent rc cars is a radio controlled racing cars manufacturer with over 25 years of rich experience in manufacturing machines for tough competitions.
Serpent has been in the limelight for quite a while now and the mantra for their consistence success is their continuous drive towards achieving higher scales by leveraging on cutting edge technologies. They are the pioneers of certain radio controlled engineering applications that have become commonplace nowadays.
History and Present
It was an eventful day of 1980 when two friends Pieter Bervoets and Ron Ton got together on a journey that was going to take them to great heights in the next 26 years.
They started a business based around their passion and thus Serpent rc cars company was born.
Right from beginning serpent has been laser focussed on racing cars. They are specialists in the art and science of catering to the needs of hard core racers and racing conditions. Till date they are loyal to the racing cars circuit delivering new and innovative technology in a format that elevates the level of the game.
The first of all serpent rc cars was a 1/8 scale on road racing car that ran on gas. From those modest beginnings in the early 80s Serpent has diversified into many more categories as of today. One thing which has not changed however is their commitment to provide innovative products that ride the wave of prevailing technology.
There was change in ownership of Serpent rc cars in 2006 wherein long time employees Michael Salven and Ronald Baar took over from Ron and Pieter. Michael Salven happens to be the person behind some of the most popular cars from Serpent. The fact that they the new owners were actively involved in growing Serpent to the heights in which it is now assures everybody that serpent is in able hands.
Innovations from Serpent RC Cars
As I have said earlier about Serpent’s drive to innovate consistently, I though it would be prudent to give you a glimpse of their achievements over the past few years.
Year 1981
This was the first time that a rc car had tuned pipe system. Serpent comes up with this first that goes on to become commonplace in the following years.
Year 1982
First ever chain drive to be used in any radio controlled car was done by Serpent in one of their models released in 1982.
Year 1983
One of the major innovations from Serpent came in the year 1983 when they developed the first 2-speed gearbox.
Year 1987
1987 saw the first gas car with reverse gears, and the credit goes to…Serpent.
Year 1991
This year marked the invention of another first by the company that is the inboard suspension system. Serpent Impact was also released in this year which had a long standing effect in its segment. Impact was in a class of its own.
Year 1992
Serpent developed Centax clutch for the first time in 1992.
Year 1995
There was a major improvement that surfaced in 1995 from Serpent rc cars. That was the datalogger. This was the first of its kind development in the rc cars world.
Year 1999
World’s first competition grade 1/10th 200 mm rc vehicle released to the joy of fans world around.
Year 2001
Serpent developed the lid for AFL fuel tank.
Year 2006
The first 1/8th formula one rc car is developed to true scales.
Serpent RC Cars Involved in the Game
This company has contributed a lot to the growth in popularity of rc hobby. They have been closely working with rc governing bodies world over by helping them with sponsorships to conduct some mega successful events.
The beauty of serpent cars lie in their performance oriented easy to use features. This comes from their close relationships with racers in real time. They conduct rc racing clinics regularly and support a very string and award winning team of racers.
Serpent conducts SDD program to help nurture young drivers in this hobby. Think of involvement…this company is attracting talent and spending on grooming them. By the way SDD stands for Serpent Driver Development. This program has been helpful for a good number of young enthusiasts.
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